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Monday 12 January 2015

5 Tips for Medical Entrance Exam Preparation

A career in medicine is prestigious and high earning. In India, to be a doctor, one has to go through the four year degree course provided by a number of medical colleges and institutes. One of the reasons it is difficult in India to get admitted in a medical college is their fewer number. Therefore the competition here is much tougher than other entrance exams after the intermediate studies. Pre Medical Test in India is held state wise and at national level. The top all India medical entrance exams are All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS MBBS), AIPMT and JIPMER. The exam preparation for these tests needs to be strong enough so that one could complete with millions of students who attempt these examples against very limited number of seats. Here are five tips that will help you for a sound preparation.

1.Have a Good Memory

In medical exams, memory is the most practical need. You need to have a very good memory apart from the ability to understand concepts. Therefore, do everything you need to have a good memory such as healthy eating, meditation and so on.

2.Revise Extensively

Revision is the best way to memorize. Therefore, in preparation of medical entrance exam you must cover up all the topics fast. This would save you time for revision. Remember, a single time would not be enough. Revise the whole syllabus at least three times. 

3.Emphases on Terminologies 

As formulas are in Mathematics, Terminologies are in Biology. Make a chart of every unique term in each chapter and memorize them. Along with it, memorize their functions and relations to other terms. This helps in understanding the concepts.

4.Prepare Short Notes

Keep on scribbling in any piece of paper you find. Prepare short notes for each any every terminology, process and metabolisms. The Zeal to become a man of medicine must be awakened in you through the love of knowledge and research. Remember, it has a greater good and no other profession serves humanity better than this.

5.Test Yourself

Mock tests are important for self evaluation. It is the original measure of how much you have prepared and the check of your ‘Ready-bilty’ for the exam. Attempt any online test in the internet and evaluate your score. It would make you know your weakness and strength on various topics and let you prepare accordingly.


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